As we approach Thanksgiving I like to talk about what I'm thankful for - corny, right? ;)
Two Thanksgivings ago I was a single mom in a dead-end relationship, yearning for a family and a true partner in life. Seeing how Miss Rita was taken (wink) I was left to fend for my life on my own. Flash forward two years and here I am, sitting in my house looking at my new baby girl hearing my 7 year old giggle as she watches a movie (my 12 year old is at her father's), and smelling the coffee that I brewed for the man I will marry and spend the rest of my life with.
I guess this is a pretty generic thing to be thankful for, and it will never stop being something I'm thankful for, but - I'm thankful for my little family. They have given me everything I've ever wanted. No, my life has not always guided me down the path I thought I should have been on, and mistake upon mistake made me question my own decision making. (I would have liked to give up my decision making to a friend, like Rachel did on Friends) But, as I look back, those "mistakes" weren't mistakes at all. Without them, I would not be here where I was meant to be. Happy. I look back on certain parts of my life with sadness in my heart, not able to think about them very long without getting emotional, but everyone turned out OK.
I am thankful for every turn I made, every person in my life (both negative and positive), for they are the reasons I am who I am - the reasons I have who I have.
Oh - and my Rita. I'm forever thankful for her and her little family.
For her family, is my family. <3
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