Sunday, December 1, 2013

Six months.

I have a six month old baby. Wasn't he just a little blob that laid around, not that long ago? Now Renly is a crawling, two-toothed person. It's amazing and scary and I am so overwhelmed with love and gratitude for it all. 

Renly, at six months old, loves any type of remote (TV, xbox, whatever) and prefers his toy remote over all other options, unless his baby piano is around. He seems to like the color red the best. He's eaten peas, bananas, and had a taste of frozen yogurt and whipped cream. He loves peas. He's about 21 lbs and about 2'08". He loves kicking his feet as fast as he can, especially if he's naked and can slap his thighs with his hands at the same time (you're welcome, future Renly. I live to embarrass). He can crawl fully, and likes to crawl up into my lap and give me high fives when he gets there. He also likes when I sing him to sleep, and his favorite lullaby happens to be by one direction, much to my chagrin. 

I am so blessed and so incredibly in love with this little man. I can't believe that he's halfway to a year! Time flies. Cherish it. 

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